Tree Removal Cost and Other Factors to Consider

Author: G. Smitty

Do you have very tall trees in your land? Perhaps you are wondering how to remove them without incurring huge costs. If you feel that such trees many pose danger to humans or property during a storm or rain, removing it is very essential. To do it you should think of the tree removal cost. Not unless you are an expert and have the right equipment, avoid do-it-yourself technique. Cutting down trees should be a cautious procedure or else, it might be hazardous and more expensive.

This is why you want to deal with experienced professionals in this field. They know the current market rates for removing different types of trees. What factors determine the cost of cutting down a tree? - A few factors influence the prices you are likely to pay a service company to remove a tree from your lawn. These include mainly the:

• Sizes of the trees – Trees are capable of growing, up to a height of sixty to a hundred feet, including the red oak, walnuts and other hardwoods. The price you will pay to cut down these big trees is much more likely to be high. Generally, many legitimate companies charge five hundred dollars and above, but will not exceed a thousand dollars. The other range is between thirty to sixty feet high, including blue gum. The cost of removing these trees could range anywhere between two hundred dollars and above, but will hardly exceed one thousand dollars. The smaller trees can grow up to a maximum of thirty feet high, including such trees as Mulberry. The cost for cutting down these trees will be a hundred and twenty five dollars and above, generally. Remember that the cost for removing a tree will depend upon the company you choose to work with.

• The obstacles – Some trees' location will affect the ability of the worker to remove it quick and safely. Perhaps the tree is near a building, electric poles and roads and the like. To remove this type of a tree requires you to exercise caution. A person, or an animal might get hurt or you could damage someone else's property. These types of trees pose some risks or difficulties, thereby increasing the cost of removal.

• Equipment types – service companies for tree removal use different types of equipment. Some of these machines are sophisticated, sensitive and expensive as well. If by any chance the machine breaks down completely or partly, the cost of repair or replacement would be high. The company has to charge an amount that would cater for such risks and leave some profits for themselves.

• Tree Branches – If you do not trim your trees occasionally, chances are that their branches have grown huge. In other words, your trees have grown wide. The width will count when the company is deciding the total tree removal cost

• The extra costs – After cutting down the tree, the stump you leave behind need removal. The stump grinding costs accounts to the total cost incurred, plus cost of pulling the logs. Some companies will count the cost of chipping the branches separately or even consultation costs.

If you are planning to cut down trees in your compound, hire an authorized expert. You will get a chance to find out if the tree removal cost is negotiable or not.

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About the Author

G. Smitty is a writer who loves to discuss many topics ranging from tree removal equipment to professional basketball. Thanks for reading!

Important Tips On Removing Tree Stump

Author: Art Icle

Tree removal – whether it’s pruning dead or heavy branches or removing tree stump and large root matter - is dangerous. There’s so much that can go wrong if the process is not managed correctly, which is why it is recommended that homeowners not attempt such a task themselves, but rather call in a qualified professional arborist. An arborist is someone who is trained in planting, caring for, and maintaining trees.

Cutting up and removing the branches and the trunk of a fallen tree can be the easiest part of the clean up. However, after you clean up these parts, you’re left with the stump. And, the best method for removing the stump depends on the type of the tree, size of the stump, and how patient you are.

Do-it-yourself enthusiasts can easily purchase chemicals that rot the stump, but in most cases they're toxic and can take months to fully complete the process. So, for those people who want the tree stump removed ASAP, taking the time to hire a qualified tree removal stump removal service is essential. Safety and training are needed to prevent damage from the removal.

There are plenty of less credible tree companies out there, so knowing how to hire a reputable tree removal professional can save you in the long-term. Firstly, find out if they hold relevant certification credentials and licenses. Next, ask for proof of insurance and then be sure to verify coverage with their insurance company. Hiring an uninsured tree removalist may make you liable for any damages or injuries that occur while they’re on the job at your place. Ask to see references or testimonials from past customers and ideally check that they’re real.

Remember that good tree work by professionals is worth the expense; however, poor work, no matter the price paid, can cost you a great deal in the long run

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Prevent Storm Damage by Inspecting Trees

Author: Patrick Wentworth

On May 4, 2006, west Austin had a storm which had winds clocked between 68 and 74 miles per hour - essentially a hurricane with trees carrying a full load of new growth. An equal opportunity storm, live oaks, post oaks, pecans, hackberry, chinaberry, Chinese tallow, cedar elms, etc. all received varying degrees of damage. Cyclonic winds twisted off beautiful, clear wood from a few oaks and elms and there was nothing anyone could have done about these few trees. The cause of the failures that ran consistently across most species was poor pruning in the trees’ past.

Tree and/or branch failures most often seen were in over-pruned trees – trees that were pruned to resemble native live oaks with stripped interior crowns. Tree care companies, which sell “crown cleaning that includes the removal of interior foliage to “reduce the wind sail” actually caused the trees to break because the “sail” and the weight is left on the branch tips. With interior foliage which would naturally buffer and reduce the branch sway gone, the trees broke by the thousands.

Old (and some new) flush cuts gave way to longitudinal cracks, which formed on horizontal limbs. Inverted forks which could have been saved if someone had sold cabling (or properly pruned these trees earlier in their life) also were the cause of many limb and trunk failures.

Today, Austin is left with even more crown reduction pruning to be sold than ever before. By reducing the length of the branches by coming back to an interior fork, you can force new growth to redevelop back towards the center of the over-pruned tree. You will also reduce the likelihood of additional storm damage while making the tree stronger by increasing branch taper.

It is not an easy sell, but something the industry needs to look at it we are going to continue to hold our selves up as tree experts. For too many years, the industry has sold “thinning” as proper pruning. Thinning today means reducing the amount of foliage on the end on the branch, not the interior of the canopy. Two thirds of the crown should be in the lower half of the tree’s overall height. Too often, more than 2/3 of the crown (and frequently all of the crown) is located in the top 1/3 of the tree.

If you haven’t visited the ANSI Cabling and Bracing Standards lately, perhaps you should look it over once again. Cabling of weak, or inverted forks is something very frequently missed.

Too often, arborists overlook the effects of gravity. Working 24-7 in a straight downward vector, gravity will break even the strongest oak. Even wide-angled, “u-shaped” forks will break if the trees have been over pruned to the extent that the crown only exists in the upper 1/3 of the tree. Also realize that multi-trunked trees can’t develop roots opposite their lean often because the adjacent trunks prevent roots from forming where they are needed most.

If you will look for these potential failure points in trees, you can prevent or limit storm damage to your trees.

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About the Author

Patrick Wentworth is a certified arborist and biologist that has been studying and working with the environment for the last 35 years in Central Texas. Pat’s company, Austin Tree Specialists, has been caring for trees and landscapes in Central Texas longer than any other company in town under the original ownership. Services offered include pruning, removals, cabling and bracing as well as arborist reports, diagnostics, pest management, oak wilt treatment, and fertilization. Find out much, much more at

Why Getting Rid of a Tree is Not a Job for Amateurs

Author: Leonard Simmons

Tree removal is not for the average person to attempt. Any casualty insurance salesman will tell you that a rider is necessary to provide insurance to tree removal specialists. Arborists are highly trained professionals that are capable of removing both standing and fallen trees. They use special climbing equipment to reach the canopy of a standing tree, cutting and carefully lowering each limb by rope with the utmost concern for the safety of the ground crew and the property.

An amateur should never attempt this even on a tree that has already fallen. There is a serious risk of falling from the branches. Even a short fall can cause serious injury. Cutting down a tree and allowing it to fall freely is also extremely dangerous. There is the distinct possibility that the trunk will snap prematurely causing critical injury to the cutter. It is also almost impossible to tell in which direction it will fall. We have all seen the home videos on TV where some beer-soaked macho man fells a large tree and watches in disbelief as it falls on his car or house.

The weight of a falling tree limb can be hundred of pounds and capable of causing serious injury. Tree limbs require special three-point cutting methods to prevent them from swinging back and knocking the cutter from his foothold. A tree trunk, even if it is successfully cleared of its limbs, is extremely heavy and can weigh several tons. Predicting the direction it will fall is a dangerous guessing game and a job for a trained professional.

If a tree has already fallen due to a storm, soil saturation or ice buildup it can be an even greater threat to anyone who attempts to remove it. The tree could be resting on power lines or leaning on a building where it could suddenly move throwing anyone in the branches to the ground or it could abruptly slide off whatever is supporting it and crash to the ground. A professional will secure the tree before attempting to climb it. Even if it appears to be lying on the ground freely it can still easily and suddenly roll as its supporting branches break from its tremendous weight.

Call an emergency tree removal service if you see a tree that has fallen or shifted. Keep a safe distance from it. Removing trees is a job to be performed only by trained individuals with the proper equipment. It is a very dangerous occupation for the professional and should not ever be considered an option for the amateur.

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Understanding Tree Removal Services

Author: zyf garnett

Cutting of trees in some places can not be done without getting permission from the community. Some enforced limits as to the place where there are restrictions but others put the cutting of the trees on the decision of the homeowner. The tree removal services will have to check first with the city council before doing the works.

Some homeowners are left in the decision on what to do with their own trees because of the restrictions of the laws of the community as to the tree planting and the tree removal method in the locality. The tree removal services will have to comply with the local ordinance on various reasons.

  1. Trees must be protected when there is construction going on.
  2. They have to protect the trees in all kinds of environment even if the tree is showing signs of dying.
  3. Trees must planted and the shades must be protected and should not be removed in the parking areas and street zones.
  4. They must adhere to the laws of the council that there will be no loss of trees in the community unless it gives danger to life and property.

When the tree is giving danger to the property or to the lives of the persons, the professional tree cutter should do the job to ensure the safety of everybody and the property as well. These are the factors when you need to call the services of the tree experts.

  1. When the tree is very close to your home or telephone and power lines
  2. When the tree is getting bigger and taller, the width is more than 10 inches and the height is more than 20 feet tall
  3. When the tree is infected with pest and diseases and the chances of recovery is very little
  4. When the only way to cut the limbs or prune the tree is to climb it

Only qualified tree removal services should do the process because of the high risk it involves. This only means that you have to hire tree experts with vast knowledge and expertise so that the process will be successful. You have to hire them but you must be sure of their qualifications by asking for their legitimacy and must ensure that they possess insurance that will also cover your property in case something untoward happen while in your vicinity.

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